Immersive Virtual Reality as a Tool for Autistic Pupils and Teachers

Jornada: La realidad virtual inmersiva como herramienta para el profesorado y el alumnado con TEA

4 de julio de 2022. Horario: de 9:00 a 14:00 y de 16:00 a 19:00

Acceso al programa completo y al enlace de inscripción pinchando aquí.


The IVRAP project aims to teach students on the autism spectrum and learning difficulties how to ‘learn to learn’ by developing and assessing an Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR) educational tool.

The project brings together universities, and autism associations, professionals and NGOs across Europe to develop, disseminate, and assess the tool, conduct research and produce both a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Virtual Reality and Autism, and Policy Recommendations.


We are the Erasmus+ Project IVRAP

The Immersive Virtual Reality as a Tool for Autistic Pupils and Teachers (IVRAP) aims to use virtual reality to help autistic students and to students with disabilities work more independently and creates a context where they learn to learn other skills.

Running from September 2019, this two-year project is funded by the European Commission’s Programme Erasmus+.


Learning tool development

Develop a tool to engage learners and strengthen their ability to work independently.

Digital Education

Provide access to affordable and high quality digital learning technologies.


Enhance the participation and learning performance of disadvantaged learners, reducing disparities in learning outcomes.



Creation of an Immersive Virtual Reality Learning Tool

IVRAP project will produce an IVR Tool for teaching students with autism and learning difficulties how to ‘learn to learn’.

Evaluation of the IVR tool

A usability study will be conducted to assess and fine tune the IVR tool.

MOOC and Policy Recommendations

A Massive Open Online Course and policy recommendations will be created based on research to help raise awareness about the use of IVR in education.

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