Cambian School

(Grateley House School)

About us

Grateley House School is a residential school for young people aged 9-19 who have a diagnosis of Asperger Syndrome and other associated difficulties. Students have access to a broad and balanced curriculum which extends throughout the waking day. A significant part of the learning process is catered for after school, structured activities. We aim to teach self-management through the provision of a range of strategies that allow students to develop their strengths and manage their difficulties successfully.

Individualised plans are designed to meet students' specific needs, and these plans form the basis of the four-way partnership between the student, school, family and Local Authority. The curriculum is tailored to individual needs and it is supported by Individual Education Plans (IEPs). These plans allow each student to have access to a challenging, broad, relevant and differentiated curriculum that is designed to be Asperger Syndrome friendly. Our consistent approach provides an atmosphere of predictability and security in which students are able to work, learn and enjoy their leisure time.


Cambian School

Grateley House School ,Pond Lane United Kingdom


Contact person

Chris Carter
